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outrage in church as Pr0stitute Gives Birth to a Dead Horse During all Night Prayer Session. (Photos)

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On Friday, a woman reportedly gave birth to a foal (a horse like) creature, otherwise known as a baby horse.
The strange creature, which drove the church members into panic, had died by the time news reporters stormed the church to witness the strange occurrence.
The woman, who has since been identified as Pulane Mokhele and is said to be a prominent pr0stitute who lives in Bulawayo Street in Ladanna suburb, Polokwane, at a house that has been dubbed “Hole in the Wall” where sex is sold for as little as R30 (about US$2) per round, reported started screaming during the prayer session and began bleeding from her private parts just before the foal-like creature emerged.
The leader of the church, Jehovah Sharp Sharp International Ministries Polokwane branc, Pastor Lusanda Nsimane, said despite being a well known miracle worker in the provincial capital of Limpopo Province,

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