See Where you Getting Fat the Most and We’ll Tell you How to Fix it

Medical Sciences Postgraduate Scholarships At Newcastle University, UK
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Until now, the science has proven and determined 6 types of obesity, which are caused by different factors. Read on and check in which group you belong to, or how to get rid of this issue:
- Obesity of food
This is the most usual type of obesity around the world. It is caused by consuming too much food and sugar. You can solve this problem very easy, all you need to do is to decrease the food intake and workout for at least half an hour a day.
- Obesity “nervous stomach”
Anxiety, stress and depression are the main causes of this type of obesity. People who have this type of obesity tend to eat sweets very often.
You can control your anxiety with more physical activities which will ease your stress.
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- Gluten obesity
The women who are in the period of adolescence, menopause and with hormonal imbalance are the most vulnerable group by this type of obesity. You should avoid smoking, alcohol and sitting for longer period of time. You should do some workouts with weights.
- Atherogenic metabolic obesity
The people affected by this type of obesity have swollen stomach like a balloon, and all of their fat is stored in this section of the body. The people who are impacted by this obesity are consuming alcohol or have difficulties with breathing.
- Obesity due to venous circulation
This is usually genetically inherited obesity. It happens in the pregnancy, and the persons who are affected by this type of obese have swollen legs. Exercises like running or climbing stairs are very important and helpful.
- Obesity of inactivity
This type of obesity affects the sections of the body which were very active in the past.
The best thing you can do about this type of obesity is not to starve yourself, because it will slow down the metabolism and the fats will be burned slower.
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