Hushpuppi Bitterly Regrets Going Under Surgery; Admonishes People To Try And Stay Healthy.

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Nigerian big boy and Gucci master, Hushpuppi has said that he bitterly
regrets having to go under the knife for a health problem he has been
living with for years.
After thanking God for the success of the surgery, Hushpuppi admonished his followers to try and not go under the knife for problems that aren’t life threatening.
According to him, he goes through painful sleepless nights all because of this. In his own words:
“When the lights are off, when guest are gone, I go through sleepless painful night sessions with tears that no one knows about. It’s really hard, it is really really hard. God help me”.
He continued: “If you have any problem and it’s not life threatening, please don’t go and jump under the knife o, cos they say health is wealth. Live with it. This surgery things are far worse. I wish I left my problem jeje that didn’t kill me for all these years o”

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Meanwhile, Hushpuppi before and after his surgery revealed that he wasn’t happy that the surgical gown he was asked to wear isn’t “Gucci”, he wrote on His Instastory; “Why they bring your surgical gown and it’s not f*cking Gucci. Pray for me”.

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