“Giving all your January salary to pastor as first fruit is fraudulent, foolish & sinful” — Freeze, Omotola Jalade reacts

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Convener of the Free The Sheeple Movement and The Tithe Against Poverty (TAP) #TAPChallenge, has come out with yet another message…

Daddy Freeze is saying it is beyond wrong to give your pastor your “January Salary”, something that is tagged as “First fruit”.
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Freeze took to his Instagram to announce to his followers to keeps tabs on his YouTube page, as he’d be teaching how and why the “First Fruit” is fraud.

A rather shocked Omotola Jalade dropped a reply to his post. She revealed this would be the very first time she’s heart of “First fruit.”

She wrote as a reply to Freeze; “Really? People drop their January salary? Hearing this for the first time.”
..and trust Freeze to respond; “omo sexy mi! Happy new year! All the time even people who are paid less than 30k a month”

A follower also shared an encounter of a friend of hers, in response to Omotola’s comment. The Follower wrote;
“Yes, they do. I met a proprietres of a school about two months ago. She gave her pastor all the monies she made in the first two weeks of January. Her pastor brazenly refused it. Why? Because, according to her pastor “first fruit means all the money one makes in the whole of January.” So, the shameless pastor asked her to take the money back, and come back at the end of the MONTH to give the offering. The lady said, and I quote: “I took back my money, and gave part of it to my relative who had earlier asked me for some money.” She said she has stopped giving the so-called “first fruit” since then.”
Others have since reacted to Freeze’s post about First Fruit;
dogomoni wrote; “Any Pastor that collects your January salary is from the devil and is only encouraging you to be a thief at work”
ttabdul wrote: “Then, that person collecting the first fruit (January salary) who is he going to give his own first fruit(all the fruit he has earned) or is that collector not following that doctrine that said he should rob people of their January salary? People are just heartless ,how will they survive when you collect their salary? I de vex seriously.”
Another commenter, erm_eye wrote; “It has to stop, January is one of the most difficult times of the yeah. Even if Jesus lives amongst us God, he would give in January and not collect. That falsehood has to stop.”
domeenio wrote: It’s really unfortunate. Churches should actually offer their members education loans, grants and subsidies in January knowing fully well that it’s the month of school fees and other expenses.
oyindollyp wrote: “Have once fell for it once, paid my January salary as first fruit when my rent was also due at the same time, I almost got evicted when I couldn’t pay the rent for like 6 months after, even though I had to borrow here and there to get it fixed that was when I Wise us not to give when you are not buoyant. Even when buoyant channel it to the needy not the greedy”
Some reactions to Omotola’s comment continues below;

You can watch his full teaching below;
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