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The point of sharing this?
If Ladies could listen to our advice, it will be to their own good because guys are not what they always appears when in happy mood.
They turn to show different colours when they are bitter. And giving your nude pictures to your guy will not make him love you more.
It rather puts your hand in his mouth as when you hit him on the head, he will have no option than to bit you. A word to a wise
Oh yeah we do try our best to keep you guys informed with what is going around you. And yeah this should serve as a lesson to
everyone especially the female reader. Your past can hunt you this should preach, never use your today to kill your future.
My take: Never ever on any circumstance allow yourself to be video taped in any form whatsoever in the name of love or fun. the
consequences can be really disastrous! Beware!
If you have a stomach ulcer, your treatment will depend on what caused it. With treatment, most ulcers heal in a month or two.
If your stomach ulcer is caused by an Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacterial infection, a course of antibiotics and a medication called a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) is recommended.
This is also recommended if it’s thought your stomach ulcer is caused by a combination of an H. pylori infection and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
If your stomach ulcer is just caused by taking NSAIDs, a course of PPI medication is recommended. Your use of NSAIDs will also be reviewed, and taking an alternative painkiller may be advised.
An alternative type of medication, known as H2-receptor antagonists, is occasionally used instead of PPIs, and sometimes you may be given additional medication called antacids to relieve your symptoms in the short term.
You may have a repeat gastroscopy after four to six weeks to check that the ulcer has healed.
There aren’t any special lifestyle measures you need to take during treatment, but avoiding stress, alcohol, spicy foods and smoking may reduce your symptoms while your ulcer heals.
If you have an H. pylori infection, you’ll usually be prescribed a course of two or three antibiotics, which each need to be taken twice a day for a week.
The antibiotics most commonly used are amoxicillin, clarithromycin and metronidazole.
The side effects of these antibiotics are usually mild and can include:
feeling and being sick
a metallic taste in your mouth
You will be re-tested at least four weeks after finishing your antibiotic course has been completed to see whether there are any H. pylori bacteria left in your stomach. If there are, a further course of eradication therapy using different antibiotics may be given.
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)
PPIs work by reducing the amount of acid your stomach produces, preventing further damage to the ulcer as it heals naturally. They’re usually prescribed for four to eight weeks.
Omeprazole, pantoprazole and lansoprazole are the PPIs most commonly used to treat stomach ulcers. Side effects of these are usually mild, but can include:
diarrhoea or constipation
feeling sick
abdominal (tummy) pain
These should pass once treatment has been completed.
H2-receptor antagonists
Like PPIs, H2-receptor antagonists work by reducing the amount of acid your stomach produces.
Ranitidine is the most widely used H2-receptor antagonist for treating stomach ulcers.
Side effects are uncommon, but may include:
Antacids and alginates
All of the above treatments can take several hours before they start to work, so your GP may recommend taking additional antacid medication to neutralise your stomach acid and provide immediate, but short-term, symptom relief.
Some antacids also contain a medicine called an alginate, which produces a protective coating on the lining of your stomach.
These medications are available to buy over the counter at pharmacies. Your pharmacist can advise on which is most suitable for you.
Antacids should be taken when you experience symptoms or when you expect them, such as after meals or at bedtime. Antacids containing alginates are best taken after meals.
Side effects of both medications are usually minor and can include:
diarrhoea or constipation
wind (flatulence)
stomach cramps
feeling and being sick
Reviewing NSAID use
If your stomach ulcer has been caused by taking NSAIDs, your GP will want to review your use of them.
You may be advised to use an alternative painkiller not associated with stomach ulcers, such as paracetamol. Sometimes, an alternative type of NSAID that’s less likely to cause stomach ulcers, called a COX-2 inhibitor, may be recommended.
If you are taking low-dose aspirin (a NSAID) to reduce your risk of blood clots, your GP will tell you whether you need to continue taking it.
If you do need to keep taking it, long-term treatment with a PPI or H2-receptor antagonist may be prescribed alongside the aspirin, to try to prevent further ulcers.
It’s important to understand the potential risks associated with continued NSAID use. You’re more likely to develop another stomach ulcer and could experience a serious complication, such as internal bleeding.
How to cure stomach ulcer permanently – home remedies
Stomach ulcers are a painful disease that brings suffering to millions of people around the world. According to medical statistics, one in every ten people experiences this infection at least once in their lifetime. Luckily for you, we have prepared a list of ways for how to cure your stomach ulcer permanently.
Before we begin explaining how to cure stomach ulcer, let us remind ourselves what this illness is. A stomach ulcer is a peptic ulcer that forms pain-causing sores in the lining of your stomach. While at first, this disease seems nonthreatening, but if it is left unchecked for an extended period of time, it can lead to bleeding in your digestive system and even death.
 Quick ulcer pain relief
Imagine a scenario in which your stomach starts to hurt like crazy, and then you find out that you have a stomach ulcer. The first thing most people want to know is to how get rid of the painful feeling caused by the ulcer. Below you will find a number of ways to free yourself from the pain.
-Use Painkillers;
 This option comes with a disclaimer. Despite the universal instinct to grab a sachet of painkillers every time you’re in pain, you have to approach this disease differently. Quite a lot of standard issued medications can make the pain even worse. Aspirin, Aleve or Advil and other brands of painkillers can irritate the stomach further, leading to additional damages to your body. Before using this option, you are advised to check with a doctor to know which painkillers work and which will only increase your pain.
 -Use Antacids; Antacids bring pain relief and pacify most symptoms developed as a result of the ulcer. But be warned that antacids are only a short-term solution, and they don’t cure your stomach ulcer permanently. –
Change Your Diet;
Even though changing what you eat won’t cure your ulcer disease, avoiding spicy and fat-rich food will help you to get rid of the pain. Here’s a summary of the foods you should aim to avoid if you’re suffering from stomach ulcer: chocolate, cola drink, coffee, lemons and other similar fruits, tomatoes and most kinds of peppers.
 – Don’t overeat;
 It’s best to have five to seven small meals a day than to overload your digestive system and your stomach with three large ones. Tip: Take little snacks with carrots or whole-wheat crackers to avoid feeling hungry.
– Eliminate Alcohol and Tobacco;
Alcoholic drinks and various tobacco products can be a possible cause of stomach ulcer. What’s even worse, they also increase the pain you suffer and slow down the healing process. At the very least, we recommend moderate consumption.
– Drink cranberry juice;
– Subscribe to a stress-free lifestyle;
We admit that it’s hard to stay calm while being surrounded by the chaos of the modern world. Nonetheless, you must do your absolute best to avoid stressful situations.
We recommend yoga or an exercise routine. Now that you know how to ease the pain let’s talk about which natural remedies can help you cure this illness. Home remedies for ulcers
In this day and age, it’s becoming more and more common for people to seek ways to recover from diseases at home. Understandably, they want to avoid visiting the doctor every time they have a headache or a sore throat. People diagnosed with stomach ulcer also have a lot of things they can do to alleviate it without having to go to a hospital. Usually, there’s always one or two home remedies that are just lying in your fridge or your nearby store. Here are the most efficient natural remedies for ulcers:
 Wood apples. Plums and berries. Cabbages Garlic Coconuts Licorice Honey Fenugreek .
Tip: It is recommended to eat no less than three bananas every day. All of the listed above food products can help you cure a stomach ulcer and greatly boost your immune system. Cabbages produce amino acid that improves the blood flow in your stomach area. Research shows that people that consume one quart of raw cabbage juice every day have a higher chance of curing their stomach ulcers within a week.
Ripe and unripe bananas stop the development of the ulcer-causing H. pylori. By eating coconuts and consuming honey, you can kill the bacteria that cause this disease. Garlic can wipe out any remaining gastric juices from you digestive system. Eat a pair of crushed garlic cloves with some water during the day to boost your system.
Interesting Fact:
You can combine two of these home remedies into one by making banana powder. First, you slice the bananas into little pieces and then use an oven to dry them slowly. Next, grind them up into powder and add one tablespoon of honey to every two spoons of the banana powder. It’s highly advised to take this tasty medicine three times a day, and you will cure your stomach ulcer much sooner. The next step we have to discuss is the professional doctor’s treatment of this illness. Stomach ulcer treatment.
If you are diagnosed withstomach ulcer, the kind of treatment you will receive is largely dictated by what caused the disease. With the right approach, the majority of stomach ulcers heal within two months. Most commonly, stomach ulcers are a result of an H. pylori bacterial infection. In this case, the patient is prescribed a treatment that includes a PPI remedy. This type of aid is also often used if the root of the disease lies in NSAID usage. The second option in curing stomach ulcer is the H2-receptor antagonists, occasionally combined with antacids. Worst case scenarios include situations when the ulcer has progressed and opened a hole in the wall of your stomach. In this case, you will need to undergo a surgical operation to save your life.
Important: If you were prescribed antibiotics be ready to suffer from a couple of possible side effects – headaches, sickness, dizziness, and diarrhea.
Note: PPI = Proton Pump Inhibitor. In addition to the doctor-prescribed treatment, you also have to remember the tips we’ve shown you above: avoid stress, alcohol, and tobacco. Stop consuming spicy and fat-rich food and eat all the home remedies you can get your hands on. Use these types of treatment combined, and you will cure your stomach ulcer.

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